To all U12 parents, we have all been encouraged by last Sunday’s sermon to teach God’s Word to our children. To help you kickstart your devotion time with your kids, this Sunday (11 Aug), we would be making available a free devotional resource from ODB – “The First Family: 10 Devotions For Dads & Kids to Discover Why God Created Us”. You can pick up a copy of the book as well as some other useful resources from the Ushers Desk outside the Sanctuary.
You can also purchase the actual resource consisting 52 devotions by clicking on the link below.
What are some things you can do to kickstart this exciting journey?
1. Decide a suitable time of the week for family devotion where there are less distractions from work, studies, etc.
2. Begin with a simple time of prayer, asking the Spirit to lead and guide you and your family as you spend time together with God.
3. Be open to share your struggles with your children so that they too will be encouraged to share their struggles with you, and together you can cast your cares on God.
4. Don’t be afraid to start! Trust God to lead you and your family!