In my previous perspective, I had written on an attitude of thanksgivings. In this perspective, I would like to focus on an attitude of adorations. In life, we have different individuals whom we would admire or give our attention to. It is the credential or the creditability of those individuals who draw our attraction that causes us to give our words of encouragement to. If they did not display qualities which impact and influence us, we would not have given them our admiration and our attention. If their lives were not exemplary for us to follow, we would not have inclined our desire to imitate them. Similarly, when we look at God who redeems us from our sinful state and who rescues us out of darkness, we should develop an attitude of adorations towards Him who gives us salvation and eternal life. Our whole life should focus on Him and how we can best relate with Him. The word “adoration” simply means “reflecting on God Himself”. Through adoration, we praise God for His great faithfulness, His amazing grace, His tender mercy, His loving kindness, His magnificent power and His wonderful gift of salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ. Basically, to adore God is to reflect on the attributes of God and to respond with words of praise towards the person and work of God through His Son Jesus Christ.
In our prayers to God, we often bring to God our confessions and our supplications, that is, our list of requests, but we seldom have an attitude of adorations towards the attributes of God and the works of God. In Matthew 6: 9, our Lord Jesus taught us to focus our attention on God the Father and on His kingdom. In this aspect, we should often reflect on who God is and then on what God has done. As we do that, we would freely and spontaneously give to God the right kind of response which He desires or expects us to offer to Him. This attitude of adoration can be cultivated in each of us, His children. This appropriately reminds me of a song entitled “Let us adore”. The lyrics of this song are: “Let us adore . . . the ever living God . . . and render praise . . . unto Him . . . who spread out the heavens . . . and established the earth . . . and whose glory . . . is revealed in the heavens above . . . and whose greatness . . . is manifest throughout all the earth. He is our God. There is none else.” Such majestic song should often flow from the bottom of our heart to our great and almighty God! Our God is worthy of praise and worship. There is, indeed, none like Him in all the earth.
When we encounter God and experience the greatness of God, we cannot help it but to display an attitude of adorations towards Him. As we reflect upon God’s immense love for us, sinners, we will inevitably explode with exuberant praise to Him who reigns for ever more. As we reflect upon God’s great faithfulness towards us and His works, we can never praise Him enough. There is the endless praise flowing out from us to Him for all that He has done and for all that He has manifested Himself to us. Maintaining an attitude of adoration is excellent for all of us to long after. This helps us to have the right kind of response which we should always have towards our gracious and loving God. Every time we sing the doxology, we affirm our adoration towards God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ, and God the Holy Spirit. The lyrics of this hymn are: “Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him all creatures here below; Praise Him above ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.”
In terms of developing an attitude of adorations, we can begin by looking at the psalms. In Psalm 92: 1 – 3, the psalmist states that “it is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to Your name, O Most High; to declare Your steadfast love in the morning, and Your faithfulness by night, to the music of the lute and the harp, to the melody of the lyre.” In this psalm, we are instructed to praise the great name of God, the majestic name of God. We are to also praise God for His steadfast love and His great faithfulness. When we praise God, we are placing people and things in their right perspective. Our God is our primary focus and people and things are our secondary focus. Our God is our secured anchor. He is the One whom we praise and is the One whom we please in all our thoughts and all our deeds. In Psalm 92: 5, the psalmist states that “How great are Your works, O Lord! Your thoughts are very deep!” The psalmist has instructed us to also focus on the works of God and, indeed, our hearts will flow with wonderful praises for the greatness of His works. Who can comprehend the works of God? The works of God are great display and demonstration of the thoughts of God. The greatness of His works reveals the great depth of His thoughts. No one can fathom the thoughts of God and the works (i.e. ways) of God. In Isaiah 55: 8 – 9, these beautiful scriptures state that “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.”
Having looked at these verses, let us constantly come to our gracious and loving God with exuberant praises for who He is and for what He has done. Let us encourage each other to have an attitude of adorations towards our great and almighty God. With praises often flowing from our hearts to God, we will, henceforth, display in our Christian life the right kind of attitude and perspective we should have towards God and His people.