The Outreach pillar has two arms – evangelism, both local and abroad, and community engagement.
Both arms constitute our efforts to heed the Great Commission to go into our community and beyond, sharing the love of Jesus through word and deed.
When we serve others, we obey Christ’s command to love our neighbours as ourselves. If the opportunity presents itself, we will also share with them the Good News of salvation.
Eld Lawrence Fu
Missions Committee Chairman
[email protected]
Alvin Chia
Evangelism Committee Chairman
[email protected]
Our goal is to reach out to unchurched children, youths, and adults with the gospel through the Bible Correspondence Courses, so that they may know Jesus Christ personally and grow in their faith. New believers are also welcome to participate.
Pr George Ang
[email protected]
Our team of A Basic Christianity (ABC) class leaders are keen to help each new Christian know and understand the basics of the Christian faith and grow in the Christian life.
We use the Navigators’ Growing in Christ Series as material for the ABC classes. Group-based ABC classes last for 13 sessions of an hour and a half each. Individual ABC classes are also available.
New believers
We welcome any member who would like to teach an ABC class. Training for ABC class leaders is conducted thrice a year.
Group ABC classes usually take place on Thursdays or Fridays. Individual ABC classes are arranged on an ad hoc basis. Please contact Pr George Ang for more details.
Pr George Ang
[email protected]
True Way supports the Boys’ Brigade 94th Singapore Company, a CCA at Nan Hua High School.
We want to build up the lives of the boys in the company by sharing godly values and wisdom with them. Our hope is to see the advancement of the gospel among them and the promotion of virtues like obedience, reverence, discipline, respect, and all that tends towards true Christian personhood.
Click to find out more about the BB 94th Coy or the Boys’ Brigade in Singapore.
If you're interested in helping with the 94th Coy, you may contact either the chaplain or the officer.
Rev Edwin Wong
[email protected]
Rev Stanley Soh
[email protected]
We want to teach, preach, and reach the young with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ through puppetry.
We’re also a platform for youths to serve the church while nurturing their gifts and talents!
Join us if you're a member or regular worshipper!
Amelia Tan
Puppet Ministry IC
[email protected]
Our church works with Prison Fellowship Singapore (PFS) to bring the love, hope, and comfort of our Lord Jesus Christ to former inmates and their families.
Care Club x Youth Zone
From tuition, to outdoor activities, to Bible education, the youths from our church want to show love and care to the children of the incarcerated.
We hope to empower them to rise beyond their circumstances and achieve the best they can in life.
We also organise holiday programmes (e.g., Christmas celebrations) to further engage the children and build bonds on a deeper level.
Family Care
We visit the families of inmates, follow up with them, and provide them with support through ways such as dinner meetups or assisting them with tele-visits.
We also serve as a bridge between the families and other voluntary organisations that provide social assistance.
After Care
Every 1st Thursday of the month, we meet released inmates at the PFS office to sing and discuss the Bible together. They are also invited to come to church on Sunday for the worship service, and on the 1st Sunday of the month, we will provide them with lunch after the 11am service followed by singing and a short devotion.
We may also teach them to play musical instruments to help them build their confidence. As they attempt to reintegrate into society, we hope to provide spiritual and emotional support in their journey.
Amanda Fu
Care Club x Youth Zone
[email protected]
Ken Tan
Family Care
[email protected]
Koh Ngiap Joo
After Care
[email protected]
Everyone, whether or not you attend church.
Members and regular worshippers are welcome!
Wayne Kwan
Guitar Outreach IC
[email protected]
We escort frail seniors who are without family support to their medical appointments, in partnership with Presbyterian Community Services (PCS).
Members or regular worshippers who are physically fit to push wheelchairs are welcome!
Timings and locations are as assigned by PCS. Please contact Ngiap Joo for more details.
Koh Ngiap Joo
Local Ministry Organisation Worker
[email protected]
We reach and engage seniors in the community by befriending them through activities at the Esther and Sarah AACs, in partnership with Presbyterian Community Services (PCS).
Members or regular worshippers who are physically fit to push wheelchairs are welcome!
Esther AAC
Blk 61 Strathmore Ave #01-02, Singapore 141061
Sarah AAC
Blk 105 Jalan Bukit Merah #02-1912, Singapore 160105
Please contact Ngiap Joo for more details.
Koh Ngiap Joo
Local Ministry Organisation Worker
[email protected]
We deliver meals to frail seniors who are without family support living in the Queenstown and Tanglin Halt neighbourhoods near the church, in partnership with Presbyterian Community Services (PCS).
Members or regular worshippers who are mobile
Every Wednesday (2pm)
Every Thursday (10am)
Every Sunday (10am)
Queenstown and Tanglin Halt areas
Koh Ngiap Joo
Local Ministry Organisation Worker
[email protected]
We help students living in our neighbourhood with their studies and share the love of Jesus with them.
Students living in the Queenstown and Bukit Merah areas
We welcome members or regular worshippers who can give tuition to primary and secondary school students.
We offer tuition in the church building. Please contact Ngiap Joo for more details.
Koh Ngiap Joo
Local Ministry Organisation Worker
[email protected]
We want to proclaim the love of Jesus Christ using the ukulele. We plan and run activities like ukulele lessons, jamming sessions, and performances.
Anyone who is interested in playing the ukulele
Join us if you have a heart for people and can play the ukulele, or intend to learn!
In church or at the AACs. Please contact Ngiap Joo for more details.
Koh Ngiap Joo
Local Ministry Organisation Worker
[email protected]
Bus // 51, 111, 145, 186, 195, 970
Bus Stop No // 11141, B11149
Nearest MRT //
Queenstown Exit A
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