“If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:31-32)
Teaching, learning, and reading are ways we can come to know the truth.
At Christian Education, we aim to foster biblical convictions in our church from cradle to grave that will sanctify and transform us to be like Jesus.
U12 is True Way’s Sunday school ministry, catering to children aged 3-12. Our mission is to teach for life change and challenge every child to live for Jesus.
Our teachers engage kids through songs, stories, games, crafts, scripture memory, and prayer. We aim to:
All children aged 12 and below
Nursery (ages 3-4)
Kindergarten (ages 5-6)
Primary (ages 7-12)
Every 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Sunday
Nursery (Room 202)
Kindergarten (Room 105)
Primary (Room 201)
We encourage parents to bring their children to the Sunday service on 1st and 5th Sundays.
Rev Stanley Soh
U12 Pastor
[email protected]
Tan Yi Ling
[email protected]
YZ is True Way’s youth ministry. We’re a community of young disciples seeking to follow Jesus together.
At meetings, we gather for praise and worship and a talk. After that we usually break into small groups for discussion and prayer. At other times we gather for fun activities like outdoor games and picnics, and we run an annual camp at the end of the year.
Follow us on Instagram here!
All youths aged 13-18
Every Sunday (except 1st Sundays)
Level 2 MPH
Rev Edwin Wong
Youth Pastor
[email protected]
Pr Charles Lee
[email protected]
Joel Seah
YZ Co-Chair
[email protected]
YAM meets in small groups for prayer and Bible study and also host regular talks. Our goal is to be taught by God’s word to live faithful lives in the world.
Major transitions in young adulthood, such as tertiary studies, national service, starting work, or even marriage, present challenges to faith but also opportunities for spiritual growth.
We hope to serve the wider young adult community in True Way by providing avenues for continuing catechesis, formation, fellowship, and pastoral care.
All young adults aged 19-26
Every Saturday
Pr Charles Lee
Young Adults Pastor
[email protected]
Rebecca Goh
YAM Co-Chair
[email protected]
Linus Lee
YAM Co-Chair
[email protected]
We serve the True Way community by providing Christian books and media catered to all ages. We also maintain a small archive.
Our mission is to promote a healthy habit of reading to facilitate spiritual growth and lifelong worship.
We're recruiting librarians and book reviewers.
Every Sunday
Except on Sundays with a combined service or as otherwise announced.
Amos Ho
Resource Library Chairman
[email protected]
TOGETHER is True Way’s newsletter which began life in the late 70s. During the pandemic, what used to be a print-only newsletter went online. The articles are now accessible from our website.
TOGETHER brings together news, commentaries, interviews, and devotionals. It is read by members and regular worshippers, and shared with congregations of the English Presbytery. The newsletter is now published about twice a year.
Eld Lee Chung Horn
Newsletter IC
[email protected]
We update and maintain the functionality of the church website.
We're on the lookout for anyone who has the skills to manage a WordPress CMS.
Tony Cheung
Website IC
[email protected]
Bus // 51, 111, 145, 186, 195, 970
Bus Stop No // 11141, B11149
Nearest MRT //
Queenstown Exit A
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