Date | Liturgical Date Event | Preacher | Sermon Topic Sermon Text |
5-Jan-25 | Christmas 2 | Rev Lee Kien Seng | Identity and Calling 1 Peter 2:4-10 |
12-Jan-25 | Baptism of Our Lord | Rev Lee Kien Seng | Holy Baptism and Membership Matthew 28:18-20 |
19-Jan-25 | Epiphany 2 | Rev Lee Kien Seng | Holy Communion 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 |
26-Jan-25 | Epiphany 3 | Rev Stanley Soh | I Will Follow You But Luke 9:51-62 |
2-Feb-25 | Epiphany 4 Mission Sunday | Rev Edwin Wong | The Mission of the Seventy Luke 10:1-24 |
9-Feb-25 | Epiphany 5 Combined CNY Service | Rev Dr Paul Siah | The Calling Luke 5:1-11 |
16-Feb-25 | Epiphany 6 | Pr Charles Lee | Two Stories About Hearing and Not Hearing Luke 10:25-42 |
23-Feb-25 | Epiphany 7 | Dr Tan Kim Huat | When Unbelief Becomes Illogical Luke 11:14-36 |
2-Mar-25 | Transfiguration of Our Lord | Rev Loliro Sani | Be Watchful If You Don’t Want to Be Surprised Luke 12:35-13:9 |
9-Mar-25 | Lent 1 | Rev Lee Kien Seng | I Don’t Know You! Luke 13:22-30 |
16-Mar-25 | Lent 2 | Rev Ronnie Ang | Table Talk Luke 14:1-23 |
23-Mar-25 | Lent 3 | Pr Charles Lee | Teachings Concerning Wealth Luke 16:1-31 |
30-Mar-25 | Lent 4 | Rev Lee Kien Seng | Different Aspects of Discipleship Luke 17:1-19 |
6-Apr-25 | Lent 5 | Rev Stanley Soh | The Jesus Prayer Luke 18:9-14, 35-43 |
13-Apr-25 | Palm Sunday | Rev Dr Tan Yak Hwee | The Entry Into Jerusalem Luke 19:28-48 |
20-Apr-25 | Easter Baptism Service | Pr Charles Lee | The Empty Tomb Luke 24:1-12 |
27-Apr-25 | Easter 2 | Rev Lee Kien Seng | Appearance on the Road to Emmaus Luke 24:13-34 |
4-May-25 | Easter 3 | Rev Edwin Wong | Apperance in Jerusalem Luke 24:36-49 |
11-May-25 | Easter 4 | Rev Loliro Sani | Living an Abundant Life Psalm 16 |
18-May-25 | Easter 5 Mission Sunday | Rev Lee Kien Seng | Mission Sunday |
25-May-25 | Easter 6 Mission Sunday | TBC | Mission Sunday |
1-Jun-25 | Ascension Sunday | Rev Lee Kien Seng | He Will Return the Way He Left Acts 1:1-26 |
8-Jun-25 | Pentecost | Dr Tan Kim Huat | Power From on High Acts 2:1-41 |
15-Jun-25 | Trinity Sunday | Rev Edwin Wong | Church Blueprint Acts 2:42-47 |
22-Jun-25 | Ordinary 2 | Rev Stanley Soh | In the Name of Jesus Christ Acts 3:1-26 |
29-Jun-25 | Ordinary 3 Gospel Sunday | Pr Charles Lee | Gospel Sunday |
6-Jul-25 | Ordinary 4 | Rev Edwin Wong | Salvation Is Found in No One Else Acts 4:1-31 |
13-Jul-25 | Ordinary 5 | Rev Ronnie Ang | Community Life Is About Sharing and Caring Acts 4:32-5:11 |
20-Jul-25 | Ordinary 6 | Rev Lee Kien Seng | Persecution Is Part of Discipleship Acts 5:12-42 |
27-Jul-25 | Ordinary 7 | Pr Charles Lee | Cultivating Godliness in the Digital Space |
3-Aug-25 | Ordinary 8 | Dr Tan Soo Inn | Cultivating Godliness in Friendships |
10-Aug-25 | Ordinary 9 | Rev Lee Kien Seng | Cultivating Godliness in Our Sexuality |
17-Aug-25 | Ordinary 10 | Rev Dr Robert Solomon | Cultivating Godliness in the Home |
24-Aug-25 | Ordinary 11 | Pr Charles Lee | I Will Not Let Them Go Unpunished Amos 1:1-2:5 |
31-Aug-25 | Ordinary 12 | Rev Edwin Wong | Still You Would Not Return to Me Amos 3-4 |
7-Sep-25 | Ordinary 13 | Rev Lee Kien Seng | Come Back to the LORD and Live Amos 5-6 |
14-Sep-25 | Ordinary 14 | Rev Ronnie Ang | Say No More Amos 7:1-17 |
21-Sep-25 | Ordinary 15 | Rev Stanley Soh | The Time Is Right Amos 8:1-14 |
28-Sep-25 | Ordinary 16 | Dr Tan Kim Huat | You Will Be Raised From the Ashes Amos 9:1-15 |
5-Oct-25 | Ordinary 17 | Pr Charles Lee | O God, Do Not Keep Silence Psalm 83 |
12-Oct-25 | Ordinary 18 Mission Sunday | Rev Edwin Wong | Mission Sunday |
19-Oct-25 | Ordinary 19 Mission Sunday | TBC | Mission Sunday |
26-Oct-25 | Ordinary 20 Gospel Sunday | TBC | Gospel Sunday |
2-Nov-25 | Ordinary 21 | Rev Lee Kien Seng | The LORD is a Jealous God Nahum 1:1-15 |
9-Nov-25 | Ordinary 22 | Pr Charles Lee | The LORD's Vengeance is Irresistible Nahum 2:1-13 |
16-Nov-25 | Ordinary 23 | Rev Ronnie Ang | You Wouldn’t Want Him to Be Your Enemy Nahum 3:1-19 |
23-Nov-25 | Christ the King | Rev Lee Kien Seng | The Lord Is a Just God Obadiah 1:1-21 |
30-Nov-25 | Advent 1 | Rev Edwin Wong | Prepare Him Room: Mary Luke 1:26-38 |
7-Dec-25 | Advent 2 | Rev Stanley Soh | Prepare Him Room: Joseph Matthew 1:18-25 |
14-Dec-25 | Advent 3 | Belinda Tan | Prepare Him Room So We Can Rest Mark 6:30-32 |
21-Dec-25 | Advent 4 Service of Lessons and Carols | TBC | Service of Lessons and Carols |
25-Dec-25 | Christmas Day Baptism | Rev Lee Kien Seng | Is There Room in Your Heart for Him? Luke 2:1-20 |
28-Dec-25 | 1st Sunday after Christmas | Dr Tan Kim Huat | I Go to Prepare a Room for You John 14:1-6 |
31-Dec-25 | Watchnight Service | TBC | TBC |
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