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Pastoral Perspectives

“Are You Loving God?”

When someone asks you this question, “Do you love Jesus?”, how would you answer? Would you shy away from answering it? To love Jesus is the same as to love God because Jesus is the Son of God. Some of us may find it hard to answer with an affirmative reply to this question. This may be due to the way we live and the way we speak and act. There could be other reasons why we may sometimes hesitate to answer this question.

We may need to look at this relevant Bible verse in 1 John 4:19 which states: “We love because he first loved us.” Why do you and I love God? It is because God first loved us. God took the initiative to love us through His beloved Son Jesus. In Romans 5:8, the Word of God states “God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” We tasted the goodness of God through this wonderful love of God demonstrated in Christ Jesus His beloved Son.

We need to reciprocate our love for and to God in practical ways in our daily lives. “Are you loving God?” is a legitimate question for you and me to constantly check ourselves, where we are in our relationship with God and with His Son Jesus. To address this question, we need to ask our self this fundamental question: “Do you love God?” Do you have the love of God and the love for God in your heart in all that you think, say and do? How do you go about loving God? “Loving God” is not simply giving a lip service. It is not just having an emotional feeling. It speaks louder than words. It is revealed through concrete and concise actions. It should be reflected in our daily Christian life. By your life and conduct, people will know whether you love God or not.

Let us not love in word or talk but in action (deed) and in truth. (see 1 John 3:18). Do you love in word only but lack action? You do not need to tell others that you love them. By your sincere and earnest action, others can see and tell that you really love them. Similarly, this applies to the way we relate to our loving and living God who loves us so much. We tell God that we love Him. Let us demonstrate this love through our daily life and our daily living.

When we love God, we will place Him first, that is, to put Him as top priority in our life and ministry. We should not love our life and ministry more than God. When you seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, you are putting God’s agenda and God’s delight first. By doing this, you are actually loving God. This pursuit of life pleases God. When we begin the day with God and end the day with God, we are loving God. We consider Him by including Him in our lives throughout the day. Walking with Christ Jesus our Lord is a joy and a privilege. It is a loving relationship which you and I have had with God and with Jesus. When you acknowledge God in all your ways, you are trusting God moment by moment and day by day. By doing so, you are showing God that you truly love Him. When we take time to listen to His voice speaking to us, we are telling Him that we love Him and that we love to hear Him speak to and with us.

There is still one more aspect of loving God. I recalled the words of our Lord Jesus in John 14:15 NIV1984, “If you love me, you will obey what I command.” God has given us the Best Counsellor, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, to teach us the Word of Truth, to lead us in it and to empower us to obey what Christ Jesus has commanded us. When you love Christ, you will glorify, honour and praise Christ and His Holy Name. Hence, you will please Christ in your daily life. When you live a life of obedience to His commands in His Word, you are loving Jesus Christ the Lord.

Let us, therefore, grow in our love to and for God by growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.