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Pastoral Perspectives

Count on Me, Singapore!

When asked what being a Singaporean means? A man said, “Being a Singaporean means one should know what is Laksa, what is Nasi Lemak, what is Cheng Tng and what is Tao Gei.”

I really hope that that’s not all the local food he eats because you and I know that there is much more to our local foodfare then Laksa, Nasi Lemak, Cheng Tng and Tao Gei.[1]

Someone else shared her thoughts about what being a Singaporean means by saying we should truly appreciate the country we live in. She said that “Singapore is a great country to live in especially if you have been living overseas even though we tend to complain a lot.”

When asked the same question, a youth said that she hopes Singaporeans will continue to grow to be a gracious society, be more helpful and that we don’t be so kiasu!

Whether it’s our food, hopes of a more gracious society or less of kiasuism, each of us has our own views about being a Singaporean. Take for example, my younger sister Chris.

When she took up a job offer in Hong Kong years back, she was excited about working in another country. But every now and then, she would tell me how much she misses Singapore. And I would always tell her that I envy her for being able to work and live in Hong Kong. However, she often tells me that it’s one thing going for holidays in another country, it’s different when you have to work or stay there.

While she has stopped working in Hong Kong, my sister is now settled happily in Spain with her husband. Yet, whenever we chat over Whatsapp, she would share how she misses Singapore and she would tell me to bring her to eat Bak Chor Mee, Laksa, Fried Hokkien Prawn Mee and the different types of local food when she gets back to Singapore for holidays. So much for being my sister! She didn’t even ask if there was anything I wanted from Spain!

What does being a Singaporean mean to you?

Well, I guess for me, being a true Singaporean means having my fair share of complaints too – the rising costs of living, housing, transport, car COEs, to name a few.

However, one thing I am always thankful for is the peace and security I feel each time I return from overseas. I am sure many of us would experience this whenever we return home to Singapore – the feelings of being safe and secure in a country we call home.

As our nation celebrates her 59thth birthday next Friday 9 August, if there is one thing you would like to wish for Singapore, what will that be?

Well, there are probably a thousand and one things we can hope for Singapore. But at the heart of it all, when we really sit down and think deep down inside, it’s really for stability, peace and harmony. If we do not have any of these, we won’t really have anything else here in Singapore.

Our government is responsible for many things that affect our lives – our security, law and justice, economy, employment, education etc. And the Bible encourages us to pray for them, that they would govern our country well and allow us to live “a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and dignity”.

In 1 Timothy 2:1-3, the Bible encourages us to pray for those in authority.

1 I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. 2 Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. 3 This is good and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth.

A well-known Christian pastor, Charles Spurgeon once said this:

“We cannot all be leaders, but we can all be pleaders.”

Not many of us would become leaders of our nation or but we can be pleaders to pray to God and to plead with him with our prayers.

So, what can we do for Singapore on her 59th birthday? Am sure Singapore can count on us to pray that God’s blessings of prosperity, stability, peace and harmony continue to abound in Singapore!

Let us pray.

“Almighty God, as Singapore celebrates our 59th birthday, we want to thank you for Your blessings through the years. From our humble beginnings, You have brought us to where we are now – a bustling growing city where all of us called our home.

We pray for our government and our leaders that You O Lord will continue to grant them wisdom and righteousness as they lead our nation forward. Grant to each of them courage and strength to make wise decisions in these difficult times of global and financial uncertainty.

We thank you for Your blessings of stability, peace and harmony in Singapore through the years and we ask that You continue to bless us with these three important things. That in stability, our economy might continue to grow and prosper so that people can have stable jobs and provide for their families. That in peace and harmony, Singaporeans can continue to live peacefully with dignity and respect for one another, that we can learn to come together in difficult times to encourage and spur one another on.

And may You also bless us with good and peaceful relationships with our fellow friends from our neighbouring countries.

Thank You Lord for hearing our prayers.

We pray these in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ, Amen.”
