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Pastoral Perspectives

Honouring God

We have known about the need to honour our parents. Last Sunday, we had already watched the Intergenerational 5.0, “Honour Your Parents”. Now, let us consider this, “Honouring God”. We must know and learn about the need to honour our God. The word “honour” means “regard with great respect; hold in high esteem; think highly of.” Our attitudes and behaviours matter to God. They also matter to others and to our self. One thought runs through my mind, that is, “God is to be honoured! God’s Name is to be honoured too!” You cannot separate the two. When you honour God, you will also honour God’s Name and vice versa.

The Word of God, the Holy Bible, has many aspects to teach us concerning “Honouring God”. These questions cannot be avoided when we examine this subject. How do we treat God? Is this how you and I treat God? When we need Him, then we think of Him. When we need Him, we come calling to Him and crying to Him. When we do not need Him, we give no thought about Him. How very sad! How disappointed our God will be! Do we treat Him with great respect and reverence? I am referring to our Sunday worship services. When we come to worship God each Sunday, do we give Him the praises and thanksgivings which He deserves? Do we worship God with our hearts or are we worshipping Him only with our lips? Sometimes, I found myself just uttering the lyrics of the song without pondering over the significance of their meanings. I simply was not worshipping God at all. When there are distractions, they hinder our worship of God. How can we truly give our God the undivided devotion which he deserves in our Sunday worship? How do we approach God? Is this how you and I approach God? Without giving God the reverence, we approach God carelessly! Without preparing our hearts, we rush ourselves into His very presence with disrespect for Him. In the holy presence of God, do we truly quieten our heart before Him? We need to recognise our utter sinfulness when we come into His holy presence. How do we relate with God? We should relate with God as our loving Heavenly Father who reaches out graciously to each one of us. Do we always come to God with a grateful heart? How do we live? We honour God by the way we live. Let us live as children of God and as children of light, no longer walking in darkness but walking in the light of God

How do you and I honour God in our daily personal life, in our devotional and prayer life? Here are some suggestions that I can offer to you. To honour God, you can begin the day with God and end the day with Him. To begin the day with God, you can utter a simple prayer committing the whole day to the Lord our God. You may pray a prayer like this: “My gracious and loving Father in Heaven, Good Morning to You! Thank You for a brand new day which You have given to me. I acknowledge that this is the day which You have made. I will rejoice and be glad in it. Thank You very much for giving me another day to live. It is by Your mercy and grace that I am alive to live this brand new day. I wholeheartedly commit the whole day to You and ask You to graciously bless it and make me a blessing to others. In Your Son, Jesus’ most majestic and mighty Name, I humbly ask. Amen.”

I would also suggest that you intentionally set aside time to read God’s words and spend some time with Him, meditating upon His words and considering how you may apply the truth of His words into your life. By spending quality time with God, you are honouring God. Your life will never be the same again when you put first thing first. When you seek God and His righteousness first, you are actually honouring Him and His Name. “Abiding in Him” is necessary so that you may bear much fruit. Reflect upon John 15:1-7. Recently, I have been pondering over these verses. I found them very enriching and very fruitful for my life. Stay close to God and you will not drift far away. Let us honour God by enjoying our time spent with Him.

To end the day with God, you can reflect upon the happenings of that day and share with Him how you are feeling, confessing to Him any sins committed, and then, offering your supplications and thanksgivings to Him. You can focus on this Bible verse, Philippians 4:8. Reflect upon it and ask God to enable you to honour Him in your thoughts. Ask Him to grant you a pure heart and a pure mind. You may want to ponder over another Bible verses, Proverbs 3: 9-10. Tell God that you want to honour Him with your wealth and with what you have. Tell God that you want to give to Him cheerfully and decisively, especially in your regular tithes and offerings.

With these helps, I hope we can all deliberately honour our great, gracious and glorious God. Amen.