Have we forgotten of the goodness and the kindness of the Lord our great God? Have we come to Him to give thanks to Him and praise Him for who He is and for what He has done? Do we daily sing praises to Him? Our awesome God is worthy of our worship and praise. How often do we adore Him and praise His Name? Have you pondered over what He has done for your life and what a great and glorious God He is? Let us begin to lift our voices to Him. Let us begin to learn to worship Him.
“It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to your name, O Most High; to declare your steadfast love in the morning, and your faithfulness by night, to the music of the lute and the harp, to the melody of the lyre. For you, O Lord, have made me glad by your work; at the works of your hands I sing for joy.” (Psalm 92:1-4). These Bible verses have taught me many things. “Giving thanks to God” is good. “Singing praises to God’s Name” is also good. “Declaring God’s steadfast love and God’s faithfulness” is also good. Since these are good things which we should be doing, then we should do them more often. Doing all these things must be spontaneous from the bottom of our hearts. They must be offered willingly and worshipfully to God. The purpose of doing these is that we have been made glad by His work. We earnestly want to sing with joy and for joy at the works of His hands. He has done great and awesome deeds and therefore, He deserves our worship and praise.
What I did is this: When I woke up in the morning, I would say this prayer to God – “LORD, I give thanks to You for a brand-new day which You have graciously given to me. Amen.” Sometimes, the Lord would bring to my attention some songs. One day, the Lord brought to my attention this wonderful song: “My Life is in You, Lord.” This came about when these two lines were “ringing” in my mind: “My life is in You, Lord. My strength is in You, Lord.” After that, I would google for that YouTube song and worship God with that song. Focusing on the lyrics of this song helped me to draw close to God and to dwell richly in His blessed Presence. I know that He gives me life and strength. I need to rely on Him to provide me with His wisdom and strength to do His works.
“And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ.” (Ephesians 5:18-21). These Bible verses have taught me several things too. Before I can sing and make melody to the Lord with my heart, I need to be filled with the Spirit. What does “Being filled with the Spirit” mean? When a person is drunk with wine, he is being controlled by the excessive consumption of the wine. That is what the Scripture describes as “debauchery” which is a sin to be avoided. When a person is drunk, he loses control of himself and his behaviour. He does not know what he is doing. He is “overpowered” by the wine. In contrast, when you are filled with the Spirit of God, you will be empowered by the Spirit with His wisdom and understanding to share spiritual insights and truths with others. You will also be led to sing new songs and make new melody to the Lord. You will be surprised by the new insight which you have received when you read the Bible, the Word of God. You will also become more grateful and thankful to God for everything rather than being dissatisfied with everything. You will not have any problems or issues of submitting to others. With the empowering of the Spirit, you will submit to fellow brothers and sisters in Christ out of reverence for Christ. For the sake of Christ, you will be more submissive. With a cheerful heart, you will make melody in your heart to the Lord. When we allow the Spirit of God to take control of our life, we will be filled with joy and gladness in our walk with God and in our worship of God. This morning, I woke up with this desire: “I want to sing a new song to the Lord my God each new day.” Previously, I used to make the effort to sing a song each day to God. I realised that I had since stopped doing that for quite a while. A thought came to my mind, that is, why not make melody in my heart to God again! That is how the title of this perspective is birthed.
May I encourage us to sing praises and thanksgivings to God each day! When we make melody in our hearts to God, we delight in Him, we are glad in Him. This is how we rejoice in the Lord. As we sing songs and make melody to the Lord with our hearts, we are worshipping God and ministering to each other at the same time. Let us also allow the lyrics of psalms, hymns and spiritual songs touch our hearts and transform our lives. Our ministries in Christ would be filled with many thanksgivings and praises to our great and almighty God! Our abilities to submit to one another would then be spontaneous and sanctified for we would have done it out of reverence for Christ.